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Tips from the Pro

Video: Working to improve your putting

Video: Working to improve your putting


Video: Working to improve your putting


Unsolicited Advice: How to avoid it

Unsolicited Advice: How to avoid it

We’ve all been there—standing on the driving range, working on our swing, when suddenly a stranger strolls over to offer their “expert” advice. While well-intended, unsolicited advice can be frustrating...

Unsolicited Advice: How to avoid it

We’ve all been there—standing on the driving range, working on our swing, when suddenly a stranger strolls over to offer their “expert” advice. While well-intended, unsolicited advice can be frustrating...

Go with the flow! Awkward lies and how to deal with them!

Go with the flow! Awkward lies and how to deal ...

Here are five tips for handling awkward lies, like a downhill or uphill lie in golf: 1. Adjust Your Stance and Balance Downhill Lie: Position more weight on your front...

Go with the flow! Awkward lies and how to deal ...

Here are five tips for handling awkward lies, like a downhill or uphill lie in golf: 1. Adjust Your Stance and Balance Downhill Lie: Position more weight on your front...

Do What You LOVE. Play the golf of your DREAMS

Do What You LOVE. Play the golf of your DREAMS

Katie DawkinsAdvanced PGA Professional WHY do YOU play Golf? Remembering the reasons you took up and fell in love with this game will help you get a bit of perspective...

Do What You LOVE. Play the golf of your DREAMS

Katie DawkinsAdvanced PGA Professional WHY do YOU play Golf? Remembering the reasons you took up and fell in love with this game will help you get a bit of perspective...